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Start free & Pay only
for what you use

Transparent fees, no contracts or long term commitments.


For personal or hobby projects



Read the docs
  • Unlimited users
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    No need to upgrade to a paid plan if you need more users.
  • Basic roles & permissions
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    Users either have full access or no access to a particular application.
  • MIT license
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    Webiny Open Source edition is licensed under the standard MIT license. For more details, checkout our GitHub.
  • Headless CMS + Page Builder
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    Webiny Open Source includes Headless CMS, Page Builder, Form Builder and File Manager.
  • Community support
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    Join our slack community of over 1,200 developers.

Business & Enterprise

For teams working on commercial projects

Contact Us

Yearly contract


Our custom plans are tailor made around your project requirements. No tiers or paying for things you don’t use, every package is just right.

  • Multi-tenancy
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    Host multiple project under a single Webiny instance.
  • SSO, OKTA, Auth0 integration
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    Built-in customizable integration for SSO, OKTA and Auth0 IdP.
  • Advanced roles & permissions
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    Create and assign roles with fine-grain permissions.
  • Team management
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    Users are groupped into teams that can have one or more roles assigned.
  • Folder-level permissions
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    Organize your content into folders and define on a folder level who can manage and view which content.
  • Advanced publishing workflow
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    Attach multi-step peer review process and schedule your posts before they are ready to be published.
  • Record locking
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    Ensure only one user can edit the same content at the same time.
Services & support
  • SLA Support
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    Custom levels of SLA support aligned with your project needs.
  • Consultancy services
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    Get the professional assistance directly from the team that built Webiny.
  • Strategic roadmap alignment
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    For customers that want to build on Webiny for many years, we can align our long-term roadmap plans to match their goals.

Learn more about all the benefits of Webiny Business & Enterprise licenses


Choose exactly what you need

Open Source

Read the docs

Business & Enterprise

Contact us


Self-hosted on AWS Cloud

Data stays within your control

Ability to modify and extend the source code

Infrastructure management

Managed by you

We help you manage


Number of users


Volume-based pricing on request

Tenants / projects / websites


Volume-based pricing on request

Number of API calls



Number of content models



Number of content entries



Number of assets



Number of locals




Headless CMS

Page Builder

Form Builder

File Manager

Advanced publishing workflow


Headless Pages


Features and integrations

Advanced content organization

Advanced roles and permissions



Attach a fine-grained set of permissions to each user or team

Team management


Folder level permissions



Control which users & teams can access content inside which folders

Private files




AWS Cognito integration

OKTA integration


Active Directory integration


Auth0 integration


Custom SSO integration



Deploy inside an existing VPC


Integrate with VPC endpoints


SOC2 compliany setup


Use API Gateway Lambda Authorizers


Multi-region deployment


Coming soon

Webiny Control Panel

API monitoring


Cloud cost monitoring


Coming soon

Staged rollouts


Multi-stage rollouts

Point in time recovery


Coming soon

Audit logs



Support and Services

Support level



Dedicated account manager


Training and onboarding


Consultancy services


On request

Strategic alignment & roadmap prioritization


Build lots of pages? 

Discover our Agency Partner Program

Discover now

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for answers? Here are some common questions we've been asked.

Can I use Webiny for free?

What is a "user" and how are they counted?

Can I see a demo of Webiny in action?

Can I switch from the Open Source plan to Business, and later to Enterprise?

Are there any other hidden costs?

What if I have more questions?

Ready to get started?

For business teams

Discuss your business/project needs and CMS requirements

Get the answers to your specific business questions

See Webiny in action and learn how it can power your business

Book a demo with our product team
For developers

Install Webiny in just 4 minutes.

Learn how to create a new Webiny project and deploy it into your AWS account.

Read the documentation
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