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Build a Photo Gallery app with Webiny and Nuxt

Miracle OnyemmaTwitter
September 28, 2022

Serverless infrastructure has many benefits when it comes to building modern applications. These benefits include lower latency, reduced costs, quicker deployments, and many more. With a Serverless CMS like Webiny, we can build modern applications powered by serverless architecture.

In this tutorial, we're going to see how we can build a full-stack application by leveraging Webiny's' Headless CMS features.

We'll be building an image sharing app with Webiny and Nuxt.js 3, where users will view pictures posted by other users and be able to upload their own pictures.

We'll cover how Webiny works as a Serverless CMS and we'll walk through the process of creating, configuring, and deploying a Webiny project with a GraphQL API.

Then, we connect it to a Nuxt.js frontend and build out the functionality for creating and viewing images.

A Brief Introduction to Serverless & Headless CMS

CMS stands for Content Management System which, as the name implies, helps manage content for applications. Traditional CMS solutions are the ones where the back end is coupled with the front end of the application. A headless CMS is one where the backend is decoupled and communication between the two parts is done using APIs that are provided by the Headless CMS.

This allows any technology of choice to be used in building the client side of the application, allowing the application to be used across multiple devices ranging from laptop computers to phones, to TVs to watches. Basically anything capable of communicating via APIs.

Serverless CMS is more or less an evolution of a typical Headless CMS, where instead of being hosted and deployed on a server or accessed as a SaaS (like in the case of a few Headless CMS options, Webiny is serverless as it uses AWS Serverless services to run.

Also, deploying and maintaining a Webiny instance is made super easy through the Webiny command-line interface (CLI).

What Is Webiny

Webiny is an open-source content management system designed for enterprises. It’s built on top of serverless infrastructure to enable great scalability and site reliability even in demanding, peak traffic conditions.

Although Webiny describes itself as an “open-source content management system” it is way more than that. It offers a rich set of features which includes:

In this tutorial, however, we’ll be looking extensively at the Headless CMS feature.

What We’re Building

We’ll be building a simple photo gallery app that displays Photos pictures with information such as Caption, Author Author Name and Username. Users will be able to view pictures and also upload pictures with the caption and author information that they choose.


Before getting started with this project, ensure you have the following:

Setting Up and Deploying a Webiny Project

We’ll create a new Webiny project using create-webiny-project, to do that, navigate to the directory we want to create our app in and run:

npx create-webiny-project webiny-photo-api

This is going to do a few things:

  • Prepare a project folder
  • Install dependencies
  • Scaffold a Webiny application
  • Initialize git and make an initial commit

After that, we just have to follow the prompts to continue with the installation. We’ll be asked to

  • Choose the region where our app will be deployed
  • Choose the database setup for our Webiny project

The installation might take a while. Make sure you’ve followed the instructions from the prerequisites and have set up your AWS account completely.

If you’re still encountering any problems, you can always reach out to the Webiny Community on Slack.

Once the installation is complete, we can go ahead and deploy our Webiny project:

yarn webiny deploy

By executing this command, all of the project applications will first get built, and, along with needed cloud infrastructure resources, deployed into our AWS account.

🚨Note that the first deployment can take up to 20 minutes! So, even though it might look like nothing is happening in the terminal, please be patient and let the process finish. If something went wrong, an error will be shown.

Here’s what we get after a successful deploy:


Remember: You can always run yarn webiny info --env=dev to view all of the relevant project URLs, including the URL of your GraphQL API:


By running that command, we get the URL with which we can access the Admin app.


Once we’ve created the admin account, we can proceed to go through the remaining steps and install all the applications.


Click the FINISH INSTALL button to be taken to the Webiny dashboard.


Now we have our Webiny application deployed, we can get started on structuring our content.

Creating a Content Model

First thing we’ll need to do now is to create the models for our application. In the Webiny dashboard, click on Create New Content Model under the Headless CMS option.

A form appears where we can create our content model.

Photo Content Model

Set up model as below:

  • Name: “Photo”
  • Content Model Group: Ungrouped
  • Description: “A photo”


In the Photo content model, we create the following fields:

  • A text field with the Label value “caption”


  • A files field with the Label value “image”
  • Select images only


We should now have something like this:


Author Content Model

Set up the content model as below:

  • Name: “author”
  • Content Model Group: Ungrouped
  • Description: “Author of photos”


In the author content model, we create the following fields:

  • A text field with the Label value “name”


  • Another text field with the Label value “username”


  • Under the Validators tab set the following values:
    • Required to enabled
    • Unique to enabled


Now we need to create our first author.

Create an Author

To create a new Author entry, go to the dashboard and under CONTENT MODELS, select authors


Enter the author details and click on SAVE & PUBLISH


Add Author Reference Field to Photo

Now that we’ve created our author content model, we can now add it as a relational field in our Photos content model.

Open the Photos model and add the Author reference field, i.e. add a  relational field with the Label value “author”


Our content structure should look like this:


Create Our First Photo

Creating our first author and photo record in the UI like this allows us to test our API in the GraphQL Playground and our app to make sure we have it set up correctly and for easier debugging.

Navigate to the Photo content type to create a new photo


Click on NEW ENTRY to create a new entry, upload an image of your choice and complete the rest of the details as you wish.


Click SAVE & PUBLISH to save the entry and publish it to be available on the API.

Now we will be able to fetch our photos from the GraphQL API playground.

Navigate to the API Playground from side menu and in the Headless CMS - Read API tab execute this query to list all photos:

{ listPhotos { data { id caption photo author { name username } } } }

Here’s what you should get:


Creating API Keys

As seen in the docs on using the GraphQL API, the GraphQL API sits behind a security layer that forbids unauthorized access. So in order to connect to it, we need to pass the value of an API key. These can be created via the Security Webiny application, by opening the API Keys section:


Now, let’s give our API Key a name and description. We’ll also set up some permissions. For the content, we’ll enable All Locales.


Next, in the Headless CMS section, we’ll configure the Access Level to Custom access.

Under the GRAPHQL API TYPES, we select READ.


Also, under CONTENT MODELS, we select Only specific models and select:

  • Photo ✅
  • author ✅


Now, click the SAVE API KEY button and copy the token.

We can now send an external request from an API tester to our Headless CMS Read API by setting up the Authorization header with our token.

Let’s get a list of our photos with this query:

{ listPhotos{ data{ id caption photo author{ name username } } } }

We get this response:

{ "data": { "listPhotos": { "data": [ { "id": "631b9e8807a1f20009dce683#0001", "caption": "Awesome neon robot", "photo": "https://mywebinyinstance.cloudfront.net/files/9l7usfmto-ant-rozetsky-r4iD__fTqIs-unsplash.jpg", "author": { "name": "Ant Rozetsky", "username": "rozetsky" } } ] } }, "extensions": { "console": [] } }

I've tested this with a GraphQL client as you can see in the image below. You can do the same with like Insomnia or Postman.


Now that our API is up and running, let’s create the front end of our application with Nuxt.

Setting Up the Frontend

We’ll be using Nuxt.js 3 to build out the frontend for our Photo gallery app. Nuxt is a web framework built on Vue.js that offers server-side rendering capabilities, automatic routing, and much more.

To set up Nuxt.js 3 using the Nuxt CLI (called "Nuxi"), run:

npx nuxi init photo-gallery

This creates a new project in a directory /photo-gallery, to install the project:

cd photo-gallery npm install

Set up Tailwind

After a successful installation, we can now proceed to set up TailwindCSS for styling:

npm install tailwindcss postcss@latest autoprefixer@latest @tailwindcss/forms npx tailwindcss init

Create a new file - ./assets/css/main.css and add these three lines:

@tailwind base; @tailwind components; @tailwind utilities;

To keep this tutorial straight to the point, I will not be focusing on the styling of the application and all styles used in building the application are available in the main.css file on GitHub.

Now we can configure postcss in ./nuxt.config.ts

import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt' export default defineNuxtConfig({ build: { postcss: { postcssOptions: { plugins: { tailwindcss: {}, autoprefixer: {}, }, }, }, }, css: [ '@/assets/css/main.css', ], })

We can also configure the content in ./tailwind.config.js:

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */ module.exports = { content: [ "./components/**/*.{js,vue,ts}", "./layouts/**/*.vue", "./pages/**/*.vue", "./plugins/**/*.{js,ts}", "./app.vue" ], theme: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [ require('@tailwindcss/forms'), ], }

Great! This is a good foundation for our components that we are about to begin building.

Create Site Header Component

Let’s create a simple <SiteHeader/> component with navigation. In a new file - ./components/siteHeader.vue, enter the following:

// ./components/siteHeader.vue <template> <header class="site-header"> <div class="wrapper"> <figure class="site-logo"> <h3>Photo Gallery</h3> </figure> <nav class="site-nav"> <ul class="links"> <li class="link"> <NuxtLink to="/">All photos</NuxtLink> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </header> </template>

Now that we have a simple header, let’s create the home page. Create a new file - ./pages/index.vue:

// ./pages/index.vue <script setup> useHead({ title: "All photos", }); </script> <template> <main class="site-main photos-page"> <div class="wrapper"> <section class="gallery-section"> <div class="wrapper"> <header> <h1 class="text-xl">All photos</h1> </header> <!-- Photo gallery --> </div> </section> </div> </main> </template>

Finally, in ./app.vue we have to add the <SiteHeader/> and <NuxtPage/> components:

// ./app.vue <script setup> // add page meta useHead({ titleTemplate: (title) => `${title} - Photo Gallery App`, viewport: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1", charset: "utf-8", meta: [ { name: "description", content: "Photo gallery app with Nuxt.js powered by Webiny", }, ], link: [ { rel: "icon", type: "image/png", href: "/favicon.png", }, ], }); </script> <template> <SiteHeader /> <NuxtPage /> </template>

Now, if we run our app:

npm run dev

We should start to see the UI we have created, something like this:


Great start! Next, we’ll see how we can fetch photos from our GraphQL API.

Fetching Photos From Webiny GraphQL API

At the core, we’ll be using the Web Fetch API to send requests. Let’s set up a few things.

1. Add API URL and Token to Nuxt.js Runtime Config

We’ll add our API URL and token to Nuxt.js Runtime Config and make the values globally available in our application.

In ./nuxt.config.ts:

// ./nuxt.config.ts import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt' // https://v3.nuxtjs.org/api/configuration/nuxt.config export default defineNuxtConfig({ // ... // https://v3.nuxtjs.org/guide/features/runtime-config#exposing-runtime-config // Expose runtime config to the rest of the app runtimeConfig: { public: { readToken: process.env.WEBINY_VIEW_TOKEN, readAPIURL: "https://mywebinyinstance.cloudfront.net/cms/read/en-US" } } })

2. Create sendReq Helper Function for Sending GraphQL Requests

Now that we have our URL and token set up in our runtime config, let’s create a helper function to send GraphQL requests. Create a new file: ./composables/sendReq.js

// ./composables/sendReq.js // function to send requests // pass GraphQL URL and request options export const sendReq = async (graphqlURL, opts) => { console.log({ graphqlURL, opts }); try { let res = await fetch(graphqlURL, { method: "POST", // fetch options ...opts, }); let result = await res.json(); console.log({ result, errors: result.error }); // Handle request errors if (result.error) { // result.error.forEach((error) => alert(error.message)); // Throw an error to exit the try block throw Error(JSON.stringify(result.error)); } else if (result.errors) { result.error.forEach((error) => console.log({ error: error.message })); // Throw an error to exit the try block throw Error(JSON.stringify(result.errors)); } // save result response to page data state return result.data; } catch (error) { console.log(error); return { errors: error, }; } };

With this function in the ./composables directory, Nuxt.js automatically sets up auto-imports for our sendReq function in our Vue components.

The next thing we have to do now, is to create a server API route that will get all photos from our GraphQL API.

3. Create getAllPhotos API Server Route

In a new ./server/api/getAllPhotos.js file:

// ./server/api/getAllPhotos.js import { sendReq } from "~~/composables/sendReq"; export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => { const { readToken, readAPIURL } = useRuntimeConfig().public; let photosQuery = { query: `{ listPhotos{ data{ id caption photo author{ name username } } } }`, }; const photos = await sendReq(readAPIURL, { body: JSON.stringify(photosQuery), headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${readToken}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); return photos; });

Here, you can see that we’re importing the sendReq function, passing in our readToken and readAPIURL to the function, and return the result - photos.

Now, if we send a GET request to http://localhost:3000/api/getAllPhotos, we get our photos:


Great! Now we can display our images.

4. Create ImgItem Component to Display Image

Let’s quickly create a <ImgItem /> component that takes photo data as a prop and displays the image and other relevant information.

Create a new file ./components/ImgItem.vue:

// ./components/ImgItem.vue --> <script setup> const { photo, full } = defineProps(["photo", "full"]); // encode ID in order to include the # in URL const linkID = encodeURIComponent(photo.id); </script> <template> // template for full page view <article class="photo full" v-if="full"> <header class="author-details"> <h3 class="text-lg">{{ photo.author.name }}</h3> <p>@{{ photo.author.username }}</p> </header> <figure> <div class="img-cont"> <img :src="photo.photo" alt="image" /> <div class="backdrop group-hover:opacity-100"></div> </div> <figcaption class="photo-caption"> <p>{{ photo.caption }}</p> </figcaption> </figure> </article> // template for gallery preview <figure class="photo group" v-else> <NuxtLink :to="`/photo/${linkID}`"> <div class="img-cont"> <img :src="photo.photo" alt="image" /> <div class="backdrop group-hover:opacity-100"></div> </div> <figcaption class="details"> <div class="author-details group-hover:opacity-100"> <h3 class="text-lg">{{ photo.author.name }}</h3> <p>@{{ photo.author.username }}</p> </div> <p class="caption"> {{ photo.caption }} </p> </figcaption> </NuxtLink> </figure> </template>

Here, you can see our <ImgItem /> component does a few things:

  1. Encodes the id of the image due to the #. This is because the # is ignored on the Nuxt.js server side. Encoding it into the URL is one way to ensure it is picked up by the useRoute() composable in the dynamic page route.
  2. Passes the encoded id as a path to <NuxtLink>
  3. Conditionally renders a preview and large view of the photo using a full prop. Here, we render two versions of the component:
  • One for the large view when the component is used in the dynamic page route, and
  • A smaller preview for when the component is used in the home page as gallery items.

Now, on our home page, we can fetch the photo data with the useFetch() composable and render a list of images with the <ImgItem /> component:

// ./pages/index.vue <script setup> const { data } = await useFetch("/api/getAllPhotos"); </script> <template> <main class="site-main photos-page"> <div class="wrapper"> <section class="gallery-section"> <div class="wrapper"> <header> <h1 class="text-xl">All photos</h1> </header> <ul v-if="data && data?.listPhotos?.data" class="gallery"> <li v-for="photo in data.listPhotos.data" :key="photo.id" class="gallery-item" > <ImgItem :photo="photo" /> </li> </ul> <div v-else class="gallery-error"> <p>Oops.. No photos to display</p> </div> </div> </section> </div> </main> </template>

We should now have something like this:


Well done, you have successfully rendered images from Webiny's file manager.

Next, we will create a server route to fetch images by id in order to create a dynamic page for each photo.

Create photoById Server Route

In a new file **server/api/getPhotoById.js:

// server/api/getPhotoById.js import { sendReq } from "~~/composables/sendReq"; export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => { const { readToken, readAPIURL } = useRuntimeConfig().public; const { id } = useQuery(event); const photoQuery = { query: `query($id: ID) { getPhoto(where: {id: $id}) { data { caption photo author { name username } } } }`, variables: { id }, }; const photo = await sendReq(readAPIURL, { body: JSON.stringify(photoQuery), headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${readToken}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); return photo; });

Here, in our event handler, we’ve defined our photoQuery with variable id which is accessed via the useQuery composable which returns query parameters from the event request URL.

We’ve also defined a photoQuery object with query and variables. We will pass the id of the photo with variables.

Finally, we send the request using sendReq and return the result.

Create a Dynamic Photos Page

Create a new file ./pages/photo/[id].vue. Placing id within a square bracket turns it into a dynamic route parameter that we can access to match with the current URL using useRoute.

// ./pages/photo/[id].vue <script setup> let { params: { id }, } = useRoute(); // encode ID again in order to include # in URL id = encodeURIComponent(id); const { data: photo } = await useAsyncData(id, () => { return $fetch(`/api/getPhotoById?id=${id}`); }); useHead({ title: photo?.value?.getPhoto?.data?.caption, }); </script> <template> <main class="site-main"> <div class="wrapper"> <section class="site-section"> <div v-if="photo?.getPhoto" class="wrapper"> <ImgItem :photo="photo?.getPhoto?.data" :full="true" /> </div> <div v-else class="wrapper"> <div class="gallery-error"> <p>Oops.. It seems an error occured</p> </div> </div> </section> </div> </main> </template>

Here, you can see that we added :full="true" to our <ImgItem /> component in order to render a large version of the photo. Now, if we click on a photo from the gallery, it should take us to the photo page which would look something like this:


In the next section, we’re going to walk through how we can upload pictures and create photos from our Nuxt.js frontend securely with the help of server routes.

Creating Photo Entries From the Frontend

In order to create a photo entry, we need an image. So we have to upload an image file first.

Uploading an Image to Webiny

This will be done in three steps:

  • Upload file to Webiny
    • Get a PreSignedPostPayload data with file data from Webiny
    • Upload file to the Amazon S3 bucket with the PreSignedPostPayload data
    • Add the file to the Webiny file manager using the createFile query
  • Get author by username
    • If the author with the username does not exist, create and publish a new author with that username
  • Create photo entry with file URL and author ID

You can find more about these steps from this guide on uploading files to Webiny.

In order to achieve all that with our Nuxt.js frontend, we need to create an API key that will able to have full access to the CMS and file manager.

Create a Main API Key

We’ll call this new API key the “main” API key. As usual, in our Webiny dashboard, open the side menu to navigate to SETTINGS > ACCESS MANAGEMENT > API KEYS Create a new entry with access to all locales and full access to the Headless CMS


Also give it full access to the file manager:


Save the API key and add it to the .env file of the Nuxt.js project as WEBINY_MAIN_TOKEN.

Configure Nuxt.js Config

Now we can add the newly created API key along with the main and manage URLs of our  GraphQL endpoints to our nuxt.config.ts file:

// ./nuxt.config.ts import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt' // https://v3.nuxtjs.org/api/configuration/nuxt.config export default defineNuxtConfig({ // ... runtimeConfig: { mainToken: process.env.WEBINY_MAIN_TOKEN, mainAPIURL: process.env.WEBINY_MAIN_URL, manageAPIURL: process.env.WEBINY_MANAGE_URL, public: { readToken: process.env.WEBINY_VIEW_TOKEN, readAPIURL: process.env.WEBINY_READ_URL } } })

Here, you’ll notice that we did not add the new mainToken, mainAPIURL and manageAPIURL to the public property so that it can only be used on the server side.

Now we can proceed with our steps to upload a file to Webiny. First, we’ll create a bunch of server API routes:

  • /api/getPresignedPostData: Receives the file name, size, and type of file and sends a request to get the pre-signed post-payload that will be used to upload the file. This allows the file upload to be done on the front end.
  • /api/createFile: After the file has been uploaded, this route receives the name, key, type, size of the uploaded file and sends a CreateFile mutation to Webiny to add the file to the file manager.
  • /api/getAuthorByUsername: Receives the username as a query parameter and makes a request to Webiny to see if that author exists and responds with the user information if the author exists.
  • /api/createAuthor: Receives the username and name of the author and runs a createAuthor mutation to create the new author and then runs a publishAuthor mutation to publish the newly created author.
  • /api/createPhoto: Receives the caption, URL of the image, and the authorId which is the id of the author. Then it runs a createPhoto mutation to create the photo entry. Another mutation - publishPhoto to publish the newly created photo entry.

Create getPresignedPostData Route

Create a new file - ./server/api/getPresignedPostData.post.js

// ./server/api/getPresignedPostData.post.js import { sendReq } from "~~/composables/sendReq"; const { mainToken, mainAPIURL } = useRuntimeConfig(); export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => { const { name, type, size } = await useBody(event); const dataQuery = { query: `query($data: PreSignedPostPayloadInput!) { fileManager { getPreSignedPostPayload(data: $data) { data { data file { name type size key } } } } } `, variables: { data: { name, type, size } }, }; const data = await sendReq(mainAPIURL, { body: JSON.stringify(dataQuery), headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${mainToken}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); return data ? data : (event.res.statusCode = 400); });

Here, you’ll notice the .post in our route handler file name. This is a way to match the request HTTP method. This enables our route to handle POST requests. We also use the useBody composable in the event handler to get our data from the request body which we use as variables for our getPreSignedPostPayload query. We then make this request using the sendReq function to the mainAPIURL using the mainToken

Create createFile Route

Create a new file - ./server/api/createFile.post.js

// ./server/api/createFile.post.js import { sendReq } from "~~/composables/sendReq"; const { mainAPIURL, mainToken } = useRuntimeConfig(); export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => { const { name, key, type, size, tags } = await useBody(event); const createFileMutation = { query: `mutation CreateFile($data: FileInput!) { fileManager { createFile(data: $data) { error { code message data } data { id name key src size type tags createdOn createdBy { id } } } } }`, variables: { data: { type, name, size, key, tags: tags ? tags : [], }, }, }; const data = await sendReq(mainAPIURL, { body: JSON.stringify(createFileMutation), headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${mainToken}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); return data ? data : (event.res.statusCode = 400); });

As mentioned earlier, after the file has been uploaded, this route receives the name, key, type, sizeand tags of the uploaded file and adds it to the file manager by making CreateFile mutation.

Create getAuthorByUsername Route

Create a new file - ./server/api/getAuthorByUsername.js

// ./server/api/getAuthorByUsername.js import { sendReq } from "~~/composables/sendReq"; export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => { const { readToken, readAPIURL } = useRuntimeConfig().public; const { username } = useQuery(event); const authorQuery = { query: `query($username: String!) { getAuthor(where: { username: $username }) { data { id name username } } } `, variables: { username }, }; const author = await sendReq(readAPIURL, { body: JSON.stringify(authorQuery), headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${readToken}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); return author.getAuthor; });

This route receives the author username as a query parameter so the useQuery composable is used to access it. Then it sends a getAuthor query to get the author by its username.

Create createAuthor Route

Create a new file - ./server/api/createAuthor.post.js

// ./server/api/createAuthor.post.js import { sendReq } from "~~/composables/sendReq"; const { manageAPIURL, mainToken } = useRuntimeConfig(); // function to create author entry const createAuthor = async ({ username, name, photos }) => { const createAuthorMutation = { query: `mutation($authorInput: AuthorInput!){ createAuthor(data: $authorInput){ data{ id } } }`, variables: { authorInput: { username, name, photos: photos ? photos : [], }, }, }; const res = await sendReq(manageAPIURL, { body: JSON.stringify(createAuthorMutation), headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${mainToken}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); return res; }; // function to publish created author entry const publishAuthor = async (id) => { const publishAuthorMutation = { query: `mutation($id: ID!){ publishAuthor(revision: $id){ data{ id username name } } }`, variables: { id, }, }; const res = await sendReq(manageAPIURL, { body: JSON.stringify(publishAuthorMutation), headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${mainToken}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); return res; }; export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => { try { const body = await useBody(event); // STEP 1 // Create Author const createAuthorRes = await createAuthor(body); // get id of newly created Author const { id } = createAuthorRes.createAuthor.data; // STEP 2 // Publish Author const publishAuthorRes = await publishAuthor(id); return publishAuthorRes.publishAuthor.data; } catch (error) { return { statusCode: (event.res.statusCode = 400), message: error }; } });

This route receives the username, name and photos of the author and creates the author in two steps:

  • Step 1: Create author with the createAuthor function
  • Step 2: Publish author with the publishAuthor function

Create CreatePhoto Route

Create a new file - ./server/api/createPhoto.post.js

// ./server/api/createPhoto.post.js import { sendReq } from "~~/composables/sendReq"; const { manageAPIURL, mainToken } = useRuntimeConfig(); // function to create photo entry const createPhoto = async ({ caption, url, authorId }) => { const createPhotoMutation = { query: `mutation($photoInput: PhotoInput!){ createPhoto(data: $photoInput){ data{ id caption photo author{ id } } } }`, variables: { photoInput: { caption, photo: url, author: { modelId: "author", id: authorId }, }, }, }; const res = await sendReq(manageAPIURL, { body: JSON.stringify(createPhotoMutation), headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${mainToken}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); return res; }; // function to publish created photo entry const publishPhoto = async (id) => { const publishPhotoMutation = { query: `mutation($id: ID!){ publishPhoto(revision:$id){ data{ id caption photo author{ id } meta{ status revisions{ id } } } } }`, variables: { id, }, }; const res = await sendReq(manageAPIURL, { body: JSON.stringify(publishPhotoMutation), headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${mainToken}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }); return res; }; export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => { try { const body = await useBody(event); // STEP 1 // Create Photo const createPhotoRes = await createPhoto(body); // get id of newly created photo const { id } = createPhotoRes.createPhoto.data; // STEP 2 // Publish Photo const publishPhotoRes = await publishPhoto(id); // return published photo return publishPhotoRes.publishPhoto.data; } catch (error) { return { statusCode: (event.res.statusCode = 400), message: error }; } });

Here, we receive caption, url and authorId. We also create the photo entry in two steps:

  • Step 1: Create photo with the createPhoto function
  • Step 2: Publish author with the publishPhoto function

Now that our routes have been created, we next have to create a new page in Nuxt.js to stitch all these together.

Create a PhotoForm Component

In order to be able to make all these requests above and upload a file to create a photo entry, we have to create a component to handle it. Create a new component ./components/PhotoForm.vue and enter the following code for the <script> section:

// ./components/PhotoForm.vue <script setup> // get photo data from props, if any is provided const { photoData, mode } = defineProps(["photoData", "mode"]); // initial page state // conditionally set default values incase photo data is not defined in props const file = ref({ url: photoData?.photo || "", }); const caption = ref(photoData?.caption || "Caption"); const username = ref(photoData?.author.username || "miracleio"); const name = ref(photoData?.author.name || ""); const userId = ref(photoData?.author.id || ""); const authorExists = ref(false); const isLoading = ref(false); const data = ref({}); // init toast component state const toastState = useToastState(); const setToastState = useSetToastState; // header data to be used in POST fetch requests let headers = { method: "POST", "Content-Type": "application/json", }; // function to reset form state const resetForm = (e) => { e.target.reset(); file.value = null; caption.value = ""; username.value = ""; name.value = ""; userId.value = null; authorExists.value = false; isLoading.value = false; data.value = {}; }; // function to handle file selection const handleFileSelect = (e) => { // get file from file input button file.value = e.target.files[0]; // create a temporary url to be used as `src` of preview image file.value.url = URL.createObjectURL(file.value); console.log({ file, url: file.value.url }); // check if file selected is actually an image let isImage = file.value.type.includes("image"); console.log({ isImage }); // alert user and clear input and file values if (!isImage) { alert("Please select a valid image file"); e.target.value = ""; file.value = null; } }; // function to get presigned payload data from webiny const getPresignedPostData = async (fileData) => { console.log({ fileData }); const res = await ( await fetch("/api/getPresignedPostData", { ...headers, body: JSON.stringify(fileData), }) ).json(); return res.fileManager.getPreSignedPostPayload.data; }; // function to upload file to s3 bucket const uploadToS3 = async ({ url, fields }, file) => { console.log({ url, fields, file }); const formData = new FormData(); Object.keys(fields).forEach((key) => { formData.append(key, fields[key]); }); // Actual file has to be appended last. formData.append("file", file); const res = await fetch(url, { method: "POST", "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data", body: formData, }); return res; }; // function to get payload data and upload file to s3 bucket const uploadFile = async (fileData) => { // get payload data let preSignedPostPayload = await getPresignedPostData(fileData); // upload file to s3 bucket with payload data let upload = await uploadToS3(preSignedPostPayload.data, file.value); return { status: upload.status, preSignedPostPayload }; }; // function to create file in webiny dashboard const createFile = async ({ name, key, type, size, tags }) => { console.log({ name, key, type, size, tags }); const res = await ( await fetch("api/createFile", { ...headers, body: JSON.stringify({ name, key, type, size, tags }), }) ).json(); console.log({ res }); return res.fileManager.createFile.data; }; // function to create photo entry const createPhoto = async ({ caption, url, authorId }) => { let photoData = { caption, url, authorId }; console.log({ photoData }); const res = await ( await fetch("/api/createPhoto", { ...headers, body: JSON.stringify(photoData), }) ).json(); return res; }; // function to check if author exists const checkAuthor = async () => { isLoading.value = true; setToastState({ message: `Checking for @${username.value}`, }); try { const res = await ( await fetch(`api/getAuthorByUsername?username=${username.value}`) ).json(); if (!res.data?.id) throw Error("No author found"); userId.value = res.data.id; name.value = res.data.name; authorExists.value = true; isLoading.value = false; setToastState({ message: `✅ Found author for @${username.value}`, code: "success", }); return res.data; } catch (error) { console.log({ error }); authorExists.value = false; setToastState({ message: `No author found for @${username.value}. You can proceed to upload and a new author will be created`, code: "error", }); isLoading.value = false; return null; } }; // function to create author const createAuthor = async (userData) => { let { username, name } = userData; const res = await ( await fetch("api/createAuthor", { ...headers, body: JSON.stringify({ username, name }), }) ).json(); return res; }; // function to handle form submit action const handlePhotoSubmit = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); // check if author with current username exists let author = await checkAuthor(); // activate loading state isLoading.value = true; // confirm whether to proceed with selected user name if (authorExists.value) { let confirmUsername = confirm( `The username @${username.value} is taken. Is ${name.value} the author of this image?` ); // cancel process if user does not confirm to proceed if (!confirmUsername) return null; } else { // confirm new user creation let confirmUsername = confirm( `A new user for the username @${username.value} will be created for this photo. Is ${name.value} the author of this image?` ); // cancel process if user does not confirm to proceed if (!confirmUsername) return null; // update toast state setToastState({ message: `Creating new author for @${username.value}`, }); // set local author state value to newly created author author = await createAuthor({ username: username.value, name: name.value, }); console.log({ author }); // update toast state setToastState({ message: `Author for @${username.value} created successfully`, code: "success", }); } // get selected file details let { name: fileName, type, size } = file.value; console.log({ fileName, type, size }); try { // update toast state setToastState({ message: `Uploading file to storage...`, }); // start upload file processes // rename destructured values returned by `uploadFile` in order to aviod name conflicts const { status, preSignedPostPayload: { file: { key, name: _name, size: _size, type: _type }, }, } = await uploadFile({ name: fileName, type, size }); console.log({ key, _name, _size, _type }); // throw error if uploadFile status does not return 204 code if (status == !204) { throw Error("Unable upload. An error occured"); } // update toast state setToastState({ message: `File uploaded successfully!`, code: "success", }); // update toast state setToastState({ message: `Adding file to dashboard...`, }); // create file in webiny dashboard const file = await createFile({ key, name: _name, size: _size, type: _type, }); console.log({ file }); console.log({ username, name, caption }); // update toast state setToastState({ message: `File added successfully!`, code: "success", }); console.log({ caption: caption.value, url: file.src, authorId: author.id }); // update toast state setToastState({ message: `Creating photo entry...`, }); // create photo entry const photo = await createPhoto({ caption: caption.value, url: file.src, authorId: author.id, }); console.log({ photo }); // save final data to state data.value = photo; console.log({ data }); // update toast state setToastState({ message: `Photo created successfully!`, code: "success", }); // reset form state resetForm(e); } catch (error) { console.log({ error }); // set data to null data.value = null; error.value = error; // update toast state with error setToastState({ message: `An error occured: ${error}`, code: "error", }); } // end loading state isLoading.value = false; }; </script>

That's quite a lot but let’s break it down and list out the functions defined here and what they do:

  • handleFileSelect(e): This function is fired by the @change handler of the file input and gets the selected file and checks if the file is an image. If it is, it then saves the value of the selected file to file ref.
  • getPresignedPostData(fileData): Makes a request to our /api/getPresignedPostData endpoint with the selected file data and then returns the payload.
  • uploadToS3({ url, fields }, file): Takes in the url and fields data provided by the payload and file data contained in the component and makes a request to the url provided with the fields and file data to upload. Once the upload is complete, it responds with a 204 success code which the function returns.
  • uploadFile(fileData): Runs the previous two functions getPresignedPostData and uploadToS3 and returns the upload status and payload data.
  • createFile({ name, key, type, size, tags }): Makes a request to our api/createFile endpoint to add the file to our Webiny dashboard file manager.
  • createPhoto({ caption, url, authorId }): Makes a request to api/createPhoto to create and publish a new photo entry
  • checkAuthor(): Takes the username from the username ref and makes a request to the api/getAuthorByUsername which returns the author data or null if that author does not exist yet.
  • createAuthor(userData):Takes in the provided user data and makes a request to api/createAuthor to create and publish a new author with the details.
  • handlePhotoSubmit(e): Most importantly, we have this function that ties everything together and runs when the form is submitted. It:
    1. checks if author with the current username exists by assigning local variable author to chechAuthor() which returns null if the author does not exist
    2. activates loading state by setting isLoading.value = true
    3. Runs a condition to check if the author exists, if it does, it prompts the user to confirm if to proceed with the current user and if no author exists, it notifies the user that a new author will be created.
    4. Starts the file upload and photo creation process by running:
      • uploadFile
      • createFile and
      • createPhoto
    5. Saves the created photo data to component state data.value = photo
    6. Reset the form by running resetForm(e)
    7. Runs setToastState() at the different stages of the creation process to notify the user on the progress of the photo creation.
  • resetForm(e): Finally, resets the component state and clears the form

Now, let's add the <template> part of our component:

<!-- ./components/PhotoForm.vue --> <script setup> ... </script> <template> <section class="upload-section"> <header class="upload-header"> <slot name="header"> <h1>Upload a photo</h1> </slot> </header> <!-- Preview the image file with the URL provided --> <div class="file-preview"> <div v-if="file" class="img-cont"> <img :src="file.url" alt="" /> </div> </div> <!-- Form container --> <div class="upload-cont"> <form @submit="handlePhotoSubmit" id="upload-form" class="form"> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="form-section form-control upload"> <input @change="handleFileSelect" type="file" name="photo" id="photo" accept="image/*" required /> </div> <div class="form-section"> <div class="form-control"> <label for="caption">Caption</label> <input id="caption" name="caption" type="text" class="form-input" required v-model="caption" :disabled="isLoading" /> </div> <div class="form-group"> <div class="form-control"> <label for="username">Username</label> <input id="username" name="username" type="text" class="form-input" required v-model="username" @change="authorExists = false" :disabled="isLoading" /> </div> <div class="form-control"> <label for="name">Name</label> <input id="name" name="name" type="text" class="form-input" required :value="name" @change="(e) => !authorExists && (name = e.target.value)" :disabled="isLoading || authorExists" /> </div> <div class="action-cont check-user"> <button @click="checkAuthor" :class="{ valid: authorExists }" class="cta alt" type="button" :disabled="authorExists" > {{ isLoading ? "..." : authorExists ? "✅" : "🔍" }} </button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="action-cont"> <button type="submit" class="cta" :disabled="isLoading"> {{ isLoading ? "..." : authorExists ? "Upload" : "Upload as new Author" }} </button> </div> </div> </form> </div> </section> </template>

Before we can run this, however, we need to set up our toastState composable which allows us to manage the state of our <Toast /> component used to inform the user of the status of the process.

Set Up toastState Composable

Create a new file: ./composables/toastState.js:

export const useToastState = () => { return useState("toast-state", () => ({ message: "✅ It's Quiet now...", code: "success", active: false, time: 8000, })); }; export const useSetToastState = ({ message, code = "loading", active = true, time = 8000, }) => { return useState("set-toast-state", () => { message && (useToastState().value.message = message); useToastState().value.code = code; useToastState().value.active = active; useToastState().value.time = time; console.log({ useToastState: useToastState().value }); }); };

Here, we have two main functions:

  • useToastState returns the state values
  • useSetToastState modifies the useToastState values

Now that we have defined the state, we can create the <Toast /> component

Create <Toast /> Component

Create a new file - ./components/Toast.vue

// ./components/Toast.vue <script setup> // init component state const state = useToastState(); const setState = useSetToastState; // variable to store SetTimeout ID let timeout; // computed property to dynamically assign the `code` and `active` state to component class const computedClass = computed(() => { let code = state.value.code; let active = state.value.active; return { success: code == "success", error: code == "error", loading: code == "loading", active, }; }); // Watch for change in state // set up timeout functionality to automatically reset and hide component watch(state.value, (value) => { console.log({ message: value.message, code: value.code, active: value.active, }); if (state.value.active) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(() => { setState({ active: false }); console.log({ state: state.value }); }, state.value.time); } }); </script> <template> <div class="toast" :class="computedClass"> <div class="wrapper"> <slot> {{ state.message }}</slot> </div> </div> </template>

Great! Now we can create the page that will render our form.

Create /new Page to Render the Form

Create a new file - ./pages/new.vue

// ./pages/new.vue <script setup> // add page meta useHead({ title: "Add new", }); </script> <template> <main class="site-main new"> <div class="wrapper"> <PhotoForm> <template v-slot:header> <h1>Create a Photo</h1> </template> </PhotoForm> </div> </main> </template>

Add /new Page Route to Site Header

Back in ./components/SiteHeader.vue we can add a link to our new page:

<!-- ./components/siteHeader.vue --> <template> <header class="site-header"> <div class="wrapper"> <!-- ... --> <nav class="site-nav"> <ul class="links"> <!-- ... --> <li class="link"> <NuxtLink to="/new">New</NuxtLink> </li> </ul> </nav> </div> </header> </template>

Now if we start our dev server, we should be able to upload images as shown in the video below:


So far we’ve seen how we can use the Headless CMS feature of Webiny to power a photo gallery app built with Nuxt.js. We covered how to structure our CMS by creating the content models we need which includes:

  • Photos content model
  • Author content model

We also looked at how to create API Tokens to access content at specific permission levels. With the API tokens, we were able to create server routes with GraphQL requests in the Nuxt.js project, which in turn allows us to fetch and create data in our Headless CMS without exposing our API tokens.

Another important concept we covered was how to upload files to our Webiny dashboard which involves:

  • Get a PreSignedPostPayload data with file data from Webiny
  • Upload file to the Amazon S3 bucket with the PreSignedPostPayload data
  • Add the file to the Webiny file manager using the createFile query

With that, we were able to add the file URL to the Photo entry using the CreatePhoto mutation.

Full source code: https://github.com/webiny/write-with-webiny/tree/main/tutorials/nuxt-photo-sharing-app

This article was written by a contributor to the Write with Webiny program. Would you like to write a technical article like this and get paid to do so? Check out the Write with Webiny GitHub repo.

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