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Can I Use This?

This feature has been available since Webiny v5.39.0.

What you will learn
  • how to add a column
  • how to discover existing column names
  • how to change the position, remove, or replace a column


File Manager allows you to view files and folders in a table or grid format. The table displays predefined columns, such as:

  • Name: presenting the name field
  • Type: presenting the type fields
  • Size: presenting the size fields
  • Author: presenting the createdBy field
  • Created: presenting the createdOn field
  • Modified: presenting the savedOn field
Default table columnsDefault table columns
(click to enlarge)

Using the Code Examples

The following code examples follow our usual configuration pattern. You need to add the code from the examples to your apps/admin/src/App.tsx. Here’s an example:

import React from "react";import { Admin } from "@webiny/app-serverless-cms";import { Cognito } from "@webiny/app-admin-users-cognito";import { FileManagerViewConfig } from "@webiny/app-file-manager";import "./App.scss";
// You can destructure config components to make the code more readable and easier to work with.const { Browser } = FileManagerViewConfig;
export const App = () => {  return (    <Admin>      <Cognito />      <FileManagerViewConfig>        {* Config components go here. *}      </FileManagerViewConfig>    </Admin>  );};
Custom field setup

The following code examples are built using the custom file field copyright.

Add a Column

To add a new column, use the Browser.Table.Column component and mount it within your Admin app. This component will serve as the foundation for your columns.

Simple Column

Here is an example of creating a column to show the copyright field data within the table. The Browser.Table.Column component receives the following mandatory props:

  • name used to target the field you want to show and serves as a unique identifier
  • header used for formatting the column header

This is the whole process of registering a column.

Define a simple custom columnDefine a simple custom column
(click to enlarge)

Custom Column Cell Rendering

Sometimes, you may want to modify how the data in a cell is displayed using a specific component. This allows you to have full control over how the information is presented.

For example, you could create a CellCopyright component that displays:

  • a dash for folder rows
  • a dash in case the copyright is not set
  • the copyright field value prepended by the © symbol
export const CellCopyright = () => {
  // You can destructure child methods to make the code more readable and easier to work with.
  const { useTableRow, isFolderRow } = FileManagerViewConfig.Browser.Table.Column;
  // useTableRow() allows you to access the entire data of the current row.
  const { row } = useTableRow();

  // isFolderRow() allows for custom rendering when the current row is a folder.
  if (isFolderRow(row)) {
    return <>{"-"}</>;

  // If copyright is not set, let's render a dash
  if (!row?.extensions?.copyright) {
    return <>{"-"}</>;

  // Let's render the file copyright.
  return <>© {row.extensions.copyright}</>;

Using the cell prop, you can pass the custom component to the column definition.

<FileManagerViewConfig>  <Browser.Table.Column    name={"extensions.copyright"}    header={"Copyright"}    cell={<CellCopyright />}  />   </FileManagerViewConfig> 
Define a custom cell rendererDefine a custom cell renderer
(click to enlarge)

Custom Column Size

To set the initial size of a column, you can use the size property. By default, the size is set to 100.

However, this is not a value in pixels but more of a proportion with the other columns within the table. If you want to double the size of a specific column, you can pass 200 as the value.

In addition, you can allow or disallow users to adjust the column width according to their preferences by defining the resizable prop.

<FileManagerViewConfig>  <Browser.Table.Column    name={"extensions.copyright"}    header={"Copyright"}    size={75}    resizable={false} // The column is not resizable by the user.   />   </FileManagerViewConfig> 

Custom Column Visibility

The visible property in data tables is crucial for user experience. By default, the column is visible to users. But, it can be set to hide by default, which is useful when dealing with large datasets.

Users have the ability to show/hide columns by using the column settings menu.

<FileManagerViewConfig>  <Browser.Table.Column   name={"extensions.copyright"}    header={"Copyright"}    visible={false}  />   </FileManagerViewConfig> 
Define column visibilityDefine column visibility
(click to enlarge)

In addition to controlling the initial visibility of columns, you can further enhance user customization with the hideable feature.

When the hideable property is set to false, users are restricted from dynamically toggling the visibility of the column. In this scenario, the column remains fixed and visible, adhering to the configuration set by developers.

<FileManagerViewConfig>  <Browser.Table.Column    name={"price"}    header={"Price"}    modelIds={["property"]}    hideable={false}  />   </FileManagerViewConfig> 
Prevent users from toggling column visibilityPrevent users from toggling column visibility
(click to enlarge)

Custom Column Class Names

You can easily add custom CSS class names to columns using the className property. The class names provided will be injected in both the column header and cell.

<FileManagerViewConfig>  <Browser.Table.Column    name={"extensions.copyright"}    header={"Copyright"}    className={"custom-copyright-className"}  />   </FileManagerViewConfig> 

Discover Columns

This section demonstrates how you can discover the names of existing columns. This is important for further sections on positioning, removing, and replacing columns.

The easiest way to discover existing columns is to use your browser’s React Dev Tools plugins and search for the BaseColumns:

Discover existing columnsDiscover existing columns
(click to enlarge)

Position a Column

To position your column before or after an existing column, you can use the before and after props on the <Browser.Table.Column> element:


Remove a Column

Sometimes you might want to remove an existing column. All you need to do is reference the column by name and pass a remove prop to the <Browser.Table.Column> element:

  <Browser.Table.Column name={"type"} remove />

Replace a Column

To replace an existing column with a new cell renderer, you need to reference an existing column by name and pass a new component via the cell prop:

    header={"Custom Type"} 
    cell={<span>{"Custom Type Cell"}</span>} 