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What you'll learn
  • how to use the Headless CMS GraphQL API advanced filtering
  • how are AND and OR nested queries working


In the 5.34.0 version of Webiny we introduced the AND and OR conditionals to help users filter the CMS entries.

Both AND and OR conditionals are arrays (lists) of the available filters, which depend on the model you are running the query for.


The AND conditional is the extension of our existing filtering. It works the same as our old GraphQL filtering, with the addition of nested filters.

This conditional requires all the filters sent to match.

Also, when sending filters in the root of the where object, there is no need for the AND keyword - but you can use it, of course.


Example #1

In this example we are searching for articles which:

  • have a title with both headless and cms words in it

This query will produce something like (title_contains = "headless" AND title_contains = "cms").

In our old GraphQL you could not do that, because you could send only one title_contains in the where object.

Example #2

Also, you can add a filter in the root level of the where object.

In this example we are searching for articles which:

  • are in a category with ID 1
  • have a title with both headless and cms words in it.

This query will produce something like (categoryId = 1 AND title_contains = "headless" AND title_contains = "cms").


Example #1

In this example we are searching for articles which:

  • are in a category with ID 1
  • have a title with both headless and cms words in it
  • are written by authors with IDs 5 or 6 or 7
  • are created in year 2022

This query will produce something like (categoryId = 1 AND title_contains = "headless" AND title_contains = "cms" AND (author_in = [5, 6, 7] AND createdOn_gte = "2022-01-01" AND createdOn_lte = "2022-12-31")).

In this example, we’ve used the createdOn entry meta field. To learn more about date/time and identity meta fields, please refer to the Date/Time and Identity (On/By) Meta Fields reference article.

Example #2

All of these filters can be written in the root of the where object (except title_contains - because there are multiple):

The query above will produce the same result as the previous one, where we have nested AND conditional.


The OR conditional brings completely new, and powerful, way of filtering the CMS entries.

This conditional requires only a single filter to match.


Example #1

In this example we are searching for articles which:

  • have a title with headless or cms words in it

This query will produce something like (title_contains = "headless" OR title_contains = "cms").

Example #2

In this example we are searching for articles which match any of the conditions:

  • have a title with cms word in it
  • have a title with headless word in it and are in category with ID 1

This query will produce something like ((title_contains = "headless" AND categoryId = 1) OR title_contains = "cms").

As you can notice, having more than one filter in an OR block produces the match all in that OR block.

We will cover the mixed AND and OR conditionals later in this article.


Example #1

In this example we are searching for articles which match any of the conditions:

  • have a title with headless word in it
  • have a title with cms word in it
  • are in either category with ID 1 or 2

This query will produce something like (title_contains = "headless" OR title_contains = "cms" OR (categoryId = 1 OR categoryId = 2)).

The Mix ofANDandORConditionals

Root LevelORConditional With NestedANDandORConditionals

In this example we are searching for articles which match any of the conditions:

  • have a title with headless word in it
  • have a title with cms word in it
  • have both webiny and serverless in the title and are created in January of 2021 or January of 2022

This query will produce something like (title_contains = "headless" OR title_contains = "cms" OR (title_contains = "webiny" AND title_contains = "serverless" AND ((createdOn_gte = "2021-01-01" AND createdOn_lte = "2021-01-31") OR (createdOn_gte = "2022-01-01" AND createdOn_lte = "2022-01-31")))).

Root LevelANDConditional With NestedORandANDConditionals

In this example we are searching for articles which match all the conditions:

  • have a title with headless word in it
  • have a title with cms word in it
  • have any of the webiny or serverless in the title or are created in January of 2021 or January of 2022

This query will produce something like (title_contains = "headless" AND title_contains = "cms" AND (title_contains = "webiny" OR title_contains = "serverless" OR ((createdOn_gte = "2021-01-01" AND createdOn_lte = "2021-01-31") AND (createdOn_gte = "2022-01-01" AND createdOn_lte = "2022-01-31")))).

Root LevelORandANDConditionals

In this example we are searching for articles which:

  • are written by author with ID 1 OR are in category with ID 2
  • have a title with headless and cms words in it

This query will produce something like ((author = 1 OR categoryId = 2) AND (title_contains = "headless" AND title_contains = "cms")).

While users can nest AND and OR conditionals indefinitely, they need to be aware that it might result in performance issues, especially in the DynamoDB only systems.