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  • how to create a user group
  • how to define access permissions for a user group
  • how to create a user

Webiny allows you to add multiple users with different access permissions to your application. You can define the access permissions by creating a user group. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a user group with custom access permission to the Headless CMS. Then we will create a user within that user group.

As an example, we will create a user group with the following access permissions:

  • Permission to view and update a specific content model group.
  • Permission to view, create, and update all content models inside the respective content model group.
  • Permission to view, create, and update the content entries inside the content models.

We will do this in 3 steps:

  • Step 1: Create a user group.
  • Step 2: Define access permissions.
  • Step 3: Create user within the user group.

Step 1: Create a User Group

  1. From the Side Menu, Click Settings > ACCESS MANAGEMENT > Groups.

  2. Click + NEW GROUP.

    ✔️ The form to create a new user group opens.

  3. In the Name textbox, type E-Commerce.

  4. In the Slug textbox, type e-commerce.

  5. In the Description textbox, type User group for E-Commerce Managers.

Step 2: Define Access Permissions

  1. Under the Permissions section, in the Content accordion, click All locales.

  2. Under the Permissions section, click Headless CMS.

    ✔️ The Headless CMS accordion opens.

  3. In the Access Level dropdown, click Custom access.

  4. Under GRAPHQL API TYPES, select all the three checkboxes (Read, Manage, and Preview).

  5. Under the CONTENT MODEL GROUPS section:

    a. In the Access Scope dropdown, click Only specific groups.

    ✔️ A list of content model groups in the current locale appears.

    b. Select the E-Commerce checkbox.

    c. In the Primary Actions dropdown, click Read, write.

  6. Under the CONTENT MODELS section:

    a. In the Access Scope dropdown, click All models.

    b. In the Primary Actions dropdown, click Read, write.

  7. Under the CONTENT ENTRIES section:

    a. In the Access Scope dropdown, click All entries.

    b. In the Primary Actions dropdown, click Read, write.

  8. Under PUBLISHING ACTIONS, check both - Publish and Unpublish checkboxes.

  9. Click SAVE GROUP.

    ✔️ The message “Group saved successfully!” displays.

Step 3: Create User

  1. From the Side Menu, Click Settings > ADMIN USERS > Users

  2. Click + NEW USER.

    ✔️ The New User screen opens.

  3. In the First Name textbox, type new user’s first name (e.g. John).

  4. In the Last Name textbox, type new user’s last name (e.g. Doe).

  5. In the Email textbox, type new user’s email (e.g. johndoe@example.com).

  6. In the Password textbox, type new user’s password.

  7. In the Group dropdown, click E-Commerce.

  8. Click SAVE USER.

    ✔️ The message “User saved successfully.” displays.